TickitHUB - Tickit Reporting

TickitHUB - Tickit Reporting

This article with demonstrate how to run some of the useful and more common reports within TickitHUB.

Tickit Hub permissions required for this process:

  • Ticket Reporting

    • General Reports

    • General PCN Reports (NEW)

    • Financial Report

Please note - ALL reports are based on live data. The reporting totals that you get may be different if the same report is run, but on different days as the PCN status' may change.

General Reports

This reporting section is in relation to PCNs, you will be able to see how many PCNs are currently at a specific status. This can then be filtered further by using the location, client or operative filters.

When you first access this, you will be displayed a blank form for you to enter the parameters of the report that you want to produce, it will look something like this:

Report Settings

Firstly, you will have to select the type of report that you want to produce. Each option here is self explanatory, be it Appealed, Cancelled, On Hold etc. There are a few notes to make for some of these status':

  • Issued

    • This will only include any outstanding PCNs, this doesn’t include any PCNs which are current Paid, on Appeal or Cancelled.

  • Incident Captured

    • As these PCNs don’t yet have an Issue Date, the date that will be used is the Incident Date.

  • Appealed

    • The report will look at the Issue Date of the PCN when the report type is set to Appealed and NOT the Appealed Date.

  • Paid

    • Not Completed

      • This will include any PCNs which have been marked as Paid, but not yet Completed

    • Completed

      • This will only include PCNs which have been marked as Completed

    • All

      • This will include all PCNs which have been included in the above reports.

    • Partially Paid PCNs are NOT included in any of the Paid reports. These are still classed as Issued, and will be found within the Issued report.

    • Selecting any of the Paid report types will allow you to report on either the Issue Date, Paid Date or a combination of both. The Completed report will also allow you to report on the Completed Date as well as the Issued and Paid Dates.

Report Output Type

The drop down you are presented in this section will contain Detailed Summary and List All Affected PCNs. Depending on which one you use, will change how much data you are returned when you run the report.

  • Detailed Summary

    • Using this as the Output Type will be used more for totals. This is because it will display the totals on what gets returned, and grouped by whichever option is selected under the Group By section.

  • List All Affected PCNs

    • Running a report using this will increase the amount of records which are displayed in the table as this doesn’t include any grouping. It will list all PCNs which are found within the criteria which has been defined.

For example, if you run a Detailed Summary report, you may have a location which has issued 50 PCNs. Running the same report but using the List All Affected PCNs output type will return you a list of the same 50 PCNs but also include PCN refs, VRMs etc.

Filter By PCN Details

This section is self explanatory. Selecting any of the options from the drop down menu’s here will only include PCNs which are linked to that item.

For example, if you select a client from the Client drop down, then the report will include any PCNs which have been issued at any location that is linked to that client.

This section will change slightly depending on which option you select from the Report Output Type.

Detailed Summary


List All Affected PCNs


As you can see, when using the List All Affected PCNs Output Type, you will be able to also filter the report by Reason for Issue (Contravention) and the Charge Type which was used against any of the PCNs which have been issued.

Group Report

This section will only be available when you use the Detailed Summary Output Type. This will define what grouping is used when displaying the information to you.

For example, if you choose Issued By then the report will give you a list of any operatives which have issued PCNs that match your criteria, giving you a total for each operative and a total of all operatives on the list.

General PCN Reports

Running reports in this section will solely give you a read out of PCNs which have been Appealed. Unlike the Appeal report type which you can use on the General Reports, you will be able to filter using either the PCN issued date or the Appeal start date along with other Appeal related filters.

When you first access this report area, and select Appeal from the Report Type, you will be displayed the below form:

Report Settings

From this area you will be able to define things such as date ranges and PCN types.

  • Issued Type

    • From here you will be able to define whether the report being created is going to cover PCNs, Warnings or both.

  • Based on Date

    • From here you will be able to set the report to find any PCNs based on either the Issued Date, Appealed Date or Actioned Date.

    • The system will produce a different result when you are reporting on different dates relating to the PCN.

  • Date Range

    • The date range can be changed between a couple of options, you can either:

      • Use a specific date range using the From Date and To Date displated below.

      • Select a step period of either Daily, Weekly Monthly or Yearly

        • Using this option will give you an extra field to fill out labelled 'Steps'. This will define how many of the above step period will be reported against.

        • For example, if you selected the Date Range as Weekly, and the Steps as 4. The system will produce a report with a breakdown on a weekly basis from the From Date you defined. The report will look something like this:

Report Output Type

The output type on this report will only be available if you select ‘Specified Date Range’ from the Date Range drop down.

  • Detailed Summary

    • Using this output type will give you a readout that includes the amount of Opened, Successful, Rejected and Cancelled Appeals within the defined time scales.

  • List All Affected PCNs

    • This output type will only display the PCN details of the PCNs that have either been Opened and doesn’t include any other statuses.

    • These PCNs may have had an Appeal Opened, and then this same appeal was Rejected, Cancelled or Successful. However this output type won’t define this and only show the PCN details.

Filter Details

These details will help narrow down on either a client or location basis, the amount of PCNs that have been appealed. This is useful to gather information to provide to a client on how their sites are doing in regards to Appeals.

Financial Reports

This report is based around Paid PCNs, including all the details around each PCN that are included as the output of the report.

When you access this report, you will be displayed the below form:

Report Settings

This area will be how you define what will be included in the output of the report, and the date setup of the data that will be reported on.

  • Report Type

    • This serves as the output type for this report, as selecting Detailed will provide you a detailed view of all the PCNs that are included in the report. These details are:

      • PCN Reference

      • VRM

      • Current PCN Status

      • PCN Issued Date/Time

      • Location Reference

      • Issued By

      • Higher Charge

      • Lower Charge

      • Amount Paid

      • Date Paid

      • High/Low Rate

      • Status of PCN when Payment was received

      • Incident Date/Time

    • If you select Issued date from the Date Range drop down, then the report will include PCNs which haven’t been Paid. The Amount Paid column will state ‘0' if the PCN hasn’t yet been Paid.

Filter By Details

  • This section will be where you define what location, client, charge type or operative you want the system to report against.

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