TickitHUB - Setting Up a Permit Type

TickitHUB - Setting Up a Permit Type


This article will explain the process of adding a permit type to TickitHUB.

The Process

Setting up the location

You will first need to ensure that the location that will be linked with the new permit type has been setup for for permit control. To check this, access Location and Device Management > Locations > Open location > Setup tab within location. You should be shown a screen like this:

Permit Setup - This will determine what permit control can be setup at this location.

Permit and Non Permit Parking:

Those with Permits, and those without can park here

Permit Only Parking:


Only those with the relevant Permit may park here

Non Permit Parking:


Only those without a Permit may park here, e.g. visitors

No Parking:


e.g. Loading Bays

Once the location has been updated to allow permit control, you will be able to add the permit type. You will need to access Permit Management > Permit Type Config. This will display a list of all permit types which have previously been added to the system.

Permit Types

Click Permit Management > Permit Type Config to see your Permit Types. From here you have options to edit, disable/enable and delete Permit configurations.

There is also a quick link to show the Locations the Permit Type is applied to, this is the green map icon on the far right.

Adding a New Permit Type

Config Details

Begin adding a Client by pressing the  button found below the Permit Type list. The following screen will appear, enter your desired name for the Permit Type. The permit style is used to differentiate between ePermits that are added via Kiosks or Pay by Phone operators etc. Keep this as Permit if you wish to add permits via the TickitHUB. Select a colour indicator for the Permit Type (useful for distinguishing between large amounts of Permits). Add any additional information/comments if you wish.

Fixed Duration means the Permit Type will have set validation dates. Tick the box if you wish to set a Yearly/6 Month/Monthly Permit etc.From the drop-down select the “Valid To The Nearest” value.

The Fixed Duration Point can be used to define how the fixed duration is calculated.

Supersede Expired Permits will only keep one permit for a vehicle activate at any one time. This is done by marking the expired permit as Superseded when a new active permit with the same VRM is added to the same whitelist. This will also enable a notification for the user when manually adding a permit to the whitelist if the VRM you are adding to the list already exists. This doesn't prevent you from adding the permit, this is purly a notification. This isn't enabled by default, so the tick box will have to be enabled for this functionality to be available.

Defining a permit reference will help give permits tractability and give you the ability to restrict how many permits can be added as you can setup each permit type to have a unique permit reference:

Prefix String

Characters that will be added to the start of all permits added to this permit type

Range From

Permits added to this permit type will start at this number (Recommend to use 1)

Range To

This is where you can add the restriction to the amount of permits added to this permit type, as once this limit is reached no more permits can be added. Existing permits can be updated however.

Suffix String
Characters that will be added to the end of all permits added to this permit type

Fixed Length

Used to define a fixed length to the permit type reference. Must be equal to, or more than the amount of characters when the Prefix String, Range To and Suffix String are combined.

Choose how you want Permits using this configuration to be assigned, either Automatically or Manually, to the Person, Vehicle or both:
  1. Automatically/Manually Assigned - This refers to the Permit Reference given to each permit added to the whitelist. 
    1. Automatically - This will mean the system will generate the reference automatically for each permit, incremented by one each time.
    2. Manually - This will require the user to manually create the Permit Reference for each permit added to the whitelist.
      1. This is mostly used for external permit systems which import data into HUB, as they may already have a reference which you want to use.
  2. Assigned to Person, Vehicle or Both - This referes to what data you can assign to each permit.
    1. Assigned to Person/Both - This will allow you to add more than one VRM onto each Permit.
    2. Assigned to Vehicle - This will restric each permit to only have one VRM.
Please note, that you can change the Permit Assignment later down the line, even if there are already permits added to the whitelist.
Enter the maximum amount of Vehicles per Permit, if configured to be Assigned to Person or Person and Vehicle. This isn't available if only Assigned to Vehicle is selected.


Here you can configure the Locations which this Permit type will be affective.

If the Permit is specific to a single client, use the drop-down bar next to the word “Client”. This is for viewing purposes and ease of use.

In the “Use” column, tick the Locations you want the Permit Type to apply to (the permit type will not apply to Locations that are left unchecked in this column). Press Apply.

“Valid Allowed” means Persons/Vehicles using a Permit of this type will be allowed to park here.

You can also specify whether Pending, Expired, Cancelled and Revoked Permits are allowed.

Issued To

The Issued To tab is used to define fields that can be filled out when adding a permit to the system. You can also make these different fields a mandatory requirement when adding a permit.

Permit Periods

The Permit Period is only used for the ANPR locations. This allows you to define when the permits added to this permit type are valid.

Once complete press Add.

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