The purpose of this document is to explain the purpose and processes around the use of the SAR Enquiry feature.
Tickit Hub permissions required for this process:
Parking Charge Management
SAR Enquiry
When you access the SAR Enquiry page, you will be displayed with this form:
To be able to search for SAR details, you will require either the PCN reference or VRM. Alternatively, you can enter the address details or Company Name.
You can search using a PCN Reference or a VRM on their own without the need to enter any other details.
The minimum details required to create a SAR request using address details are the Last Name and either the Post Code or Address First Line:
The Post Code doesn’t require the Space. The system will remove the space when you click Search.
The Address First Line must be at least 10 character long. If the Address First Line is less than this, you will need to search using the Post Code instead.
You can search by the Company Name on it’s own and you will be returned with any PCNs that match the details you entered:
Any details you enter into these fields much match was is entered into the corresponding field within the Keeper/Driver tab within the PCN.
This is with the exemption of Address First Line, where you don’t reqiure an identical match.
For example:
Keeper details = 42 Wallaby Way
Address First line = Wallaby Way OR 42 Wallaby
The output will give you any PCNs, Permits or ANPR Events that match the critera entered into the above form. These will be listed in the order of ANPR Events, PCNs and then Permits.
If you only populate the PCN Reference field, then only the PCN matching that reference will be displayed. If you want to search any Permits or ANPR Events, then you will need to enter the VRM.