TickitHUB - PCN Appeals

TickitHUB - PCN Appeals

The purpose of this document is to explain what happens when you’re processing an Appeal on a PCN.

Tickit Hub permissions required for this process:

  • Parking Charge Management

    • Parking Charge Search

Firstly, there are 2 ways which a PCN can be placed on appeal.

  • Manually placing the PCN on appeal, after receiving correspondance from the appellant.

    • This is the method that this article will explain.

  • Using the Online Appeals Page.

    • This is a customer facing webpage where they can view the evidence of the notice, enter their details of the appeal. These details are then automatically applied to the PCN and places it on appeal.

Should you require any further information on how this works, please view this article - https://helpdesk.iview.co.uk/portal/en/kb/articles/tickithub-online-appeals

The Process

When you receive an appeal for a PCN, you will need to find that PCN on the back office by accessing Parking Charge Management > Parking Charge Search. Then search for the reference or the VRM.

You should then see an icon to the right hand side of the table, in the Next column, which looks like this:

You will notice when you hover the mouse over this icon, it will say ‘Place PCN On Appeal’. When you click this, the PCN will open and you will be given a screen to enter the details of the Appeal:

If you pressed this accidently, press Cancel on this page and you will be taken back to the PCN search list. No appeal action will have been taken against this PCN.

From here, you will be able to fill out the details which had been provided to you on the appeal corespondance from the appellant.

  • Firstly the start date, which is when you will have received the appeal.

  • The open reason will be why the appeal is being raised against this notice maybe they had a Blue Badge or their vehicle was broken down on site etc.

  • The method they used to raise the appeal with you, usually either via email or post.

  • Finally, the appeal reason. This is the textual evidence provided by the appellant to support their case to cancel the notice.

    • If they have appealed via email, you may want to copy and past the body of the email into here.

Once you are happy you’ve filled everything out correctly, you can press Update. This will then update the status of the notice to Appealed, and freeze the PCN to prevent the amount due increasing.

Should you have any other evidence you would like to attach to the notice, such as images, scanned documents etc. You can do this by adding them to the files area of the PCN. This is located in the Action column on the Search PCN List:

At this point, you will see that there is a new tab available within the PCN for Appeals. This will display the appeal details which have been inputted, along with other useful information regarding the appeal.

The main aspect of this tab is the Appeal Actions section, which will show you a train of the actions taken in the process of resolving the appeal. When you’ve initially raised the appeal, you will see it looks something similar to this:

As you can see, this will give you all the information you have entered from opening the appeal, along with who actioned this and when they actioned it.

From here, you are given multiple options to action against this appeal:

Edit existing action

This will allow you to edit previous actions which have been taken as part of the appeal.

Add additional appeal action

This will give you the ability to add a new appeal action. For example, adding a record of any additional correspondence you have sent or recieved from the appellant.

Mark appeal as successful

If you have decided that the appeal is valid and the PCN is no longer valid after reviewing the appeal, this will complete the appeal and cancel the PCN.

Mark appeal as rejected

If you have decided that the PCN is still valid after reviewing the information provided on the appeal, this will reject the appeal and revert the PCN back to it’s previous status.

Mark appeal as cancelled

If the appeal has been raised but is not longer being persued, you can cancel it using this option. Again, this will revert the PCN back to it’s previous staus.

Refresh the appeal action list

If you have added a new action to the appeal, but this hasn’t yet appeared, you can refresh the list to reload the new data you’ve added.

Once you have opened the appeal, you will need to correspond to the appeal. This will use your internal company processes.

As mentioned above, when you send any new correspondence to the appellant it’s best to then also log this on the appeal which you’ve opened on the PCN. This will allow you to view all the relevent appeal information if the appellant contacts you to discuss this further sown the line.


If you are a BPA accredited operator, you will need to provide the POPLA code to the appellant after the appeal has been rejected. This is used for the appellant to go to the BPA independant appeals service, and they can relate the appeal to the correct operator. This code is generated for you, and can be found either in the History tab on the PCN, as below:

Or, this will be displayed on the appeal tab within the PCN under the Independant Appeal section, labled as Independent Appeal Code:

Independant Appeals

If the appellant decides to go to their respective independant appeal service, you will be notified by the service that the appeal has been escualted to them. At this point, you can then log this within the Appeal within the appeal tab on the PCN. You will see this within the Independant Appeal section:

This will then update the status of the PCN to Issued - Independant Appeal Open so you can filter the list of PCNs which are currently open with an independant appeal.

Once this independant appeal has been settled, you can update this section with the completed date and the status of the resoltion:

  • Independant Appeal Allowed

  • Independant Appeal Refused

  • Independant Appeal Withdrawn

Additional Information

  1. The system will prevent any further letters being generated (including the processing of TOLs) for 14 days after the Appeal has been rejected. After which point any further letters will be sent out, and TOLs will be processed.

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