TickitHUB - New PCN Flow & Global PCN Charge Update

TickitHUB - New PCN Flow & Global PCN Charge Update

This article will detail the option of having a different PCN journey and how to globally update PCN charges to allow the new timeframes to take affect.
Tickit Hub permissions required for this process:
  1. Tickit Setup
    1. PCN Charges

The New Timeframes

These altered time frames will mostly affect the PCN journey from a PCN which has been issued to windscreen, however NTOs will be affected to. This will also change the PCN journey if the PCN is appealed.

New Notice Journey

As you can see from the above flow, where a Notice to Vehicle has been issued, after 28 days, a Notice To Keeper PCN will then be sent in place of a First Reminder letter. Then after a further 16 days, a First Reminder letter will be generated and sent. Again, after a further 16 days, the PCN will be flagged for Debt Recovery.

New Notice Journey (Appeal)

As you can see, the journey for for Postal PCNs are the same with the new journey, only difference being if an appeal is received, the Formal Demand letter won’t get generated and the PCN will be flagged for DR 28 days from the appeal end date instead. The same will go for the NTV PCNs, if they’re Appealed within 28 days, the system will skip sending any enforcement letters and go straight to DR 28 days from the appeal end date.

PCN Charges - Global Update

This section will walk you through how to update the charge, which controls the PCN time frames, so that it gets applied to all locations currently using that charge from a specific date.

Firstly, you will need to navigate to Tickit Setup > PCN Charges from the menu on the left-hand side. From here, you will see a list of all charges which are currently setup on your system. From here, you need to find the Charge which you want to update. Once you have found this from the list, you will see an icon on the right hand side which looks like this:

Global Update

Clicking this will take you to another screen which looks like this:

This small form will ask you to create a new name for the Charge, and then what date you want the updated charge to be effective from. Once you have filled out this information, click Add.

This will then take you to the next form. This form will be the same as the initial PCN Charge setup, however all the details will be populated with the same details as the Charge you selected to globally update. From here, you can make the updates to the PCN timeframes to align them with the criteria in the flow diagrams above

In the General Charge Details section, you will need to update the Journey dropdown from V1 to V2, this will cause the PCNs issued against this charge to follow the rules of the new journey, updated wording will be used on the letters and also prevent you from enabling a Final Demand:

The other section of this form you will need to complete is the PCN Charge Details, this is where the new timeframes are defined. The new days should look like this:

You may find that your Charge/Early Payment, DR Costs & Appeal Allowed Within may differ from what you see above.

The main ones you will need to update here are the Formal Demand & Debt Recovery Costs Incurred fields, as these both will need to be set to 16 Days.

If this charge previously had the Final Reminder enabled, you will need to disable this at this point as you won’t be able to update this charge with this still enabled. This is done by removing the tick from the Final Reminder Enabled check box.

Once you have finished updating this section, you can click the Update button. This will update all the locations which were using the previous charge, and set them to use this new one from the date you entered in the ‘Effective From’ field.

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