TickitHUB - Letter Batch Error: Mail Merge Failed

TickitHUB - Letter Batch Error: Mail Merge Failed

This article with show you the process of regenerating the letters which are displaying Mail Merge errors. These are caused when there is a connection issue when sending the files over to the Mailing provider.
Tickit Hub permissions required for this process:
  • Parking charge management

    • Letter Batches

The errors that this article will cover include:

  • Mail Merge Failed - Unknown

  • Login Failed - Account Name: 

  • Mail Merge Failed - Not Authenticated

The Process

When you come to review the letter batches, you may find that some of them are highlighted in yellow stating that ‘Some Items have Errors’:

To see the description of these errors, you will need to click the List Items icon to the right hand side of the table in the Action column. This will list all the letters in that batch.

From here, you will get a short description of the error which has prevented the letter from being processed correctly. Should the comments state any of the aforementioned errors, you can then click the green Refresh icon to the right hand side in the Action column. This will change the status of the letter to Pending:

Once the status of the letter has changed, you will need to wait for the system to run your letters again for this to be processed and made available for you to review and send to the mailing provider.

Should the errors that are displayed not covered in this article, please contact us on the helpdesk email - Helpdesk@weareatria.com - and we will review and resolve the errors for you.

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