Tickit Hub - Processing a TOL

Tickit Hub - Processing a TOL


Reading through this document will give you an overview on how to process transfer of liabilities (TOLs) manually via TickitHUB.

Please only amend details that relate to the dates mentioned in this document. This screen allows access to other dates and details that would change the state of the PCN, and potentially change the journey of the PCN. Please read the whole document before updating anything. If you are unsure about any part of the process, please ask the question before updating the PCN.


You will need access to:

  • Parking Charge Management - Parking Charge Search

  • The '*' tab within PCNs

The Process

This will run through the general process of processing the TOL on a PCN:

  1. Firstly, you will need to add the new liability details to the PCN. This process won’t change from what you currently do.

  2. Once you have added the new details, you will need to open the PCN again and click on the '*' tab to the right hand side next to the History tab.

  3. From here you will have access to more information specific to that PCN. About a third of the way down the list you will have a section called Dates. This will show you information such as the ‘Incident Date', ‘Issued Date’ and letter sent dates. For TOLs, you will only need to focus on the letter sent dates shown below:


4. To re-issue the PCN to the new liability details, you will need to remove the sent dates for each letter that has been sent. This can be done by clicking the red cross to the right hand side of the time.

5. Once you have removed the send dates and updated the PCN, the system will take care of the rest. When the letters are next run, it will spot that the letter hasn’t been sent for this PCN yet and generate one.

Other Information

  • If the PCN was issued to vehicle then there won’t be an NTO sent date as the Ticket on the windscreen acts as this.

  • Don’t process the TOL if the PCN is at any of the PCN statuses:

    • Debt Recovery In Progress/ Cancellation In Progress

      • You will need to bring the case back from Debt, and wait for this to be cancelled on TickitHUB before the TOL can be processed.

    • Legal

      • PCNs at legal status will also need to be cancelled on TickitHUB before the TOL can be processed.

    • Appealed

      • You will have to reject/cancel any Appeal outstanding on a PCN before the transfer can be done.

    • On Hold

      • You can simply take the PCN off hold then process the transfer. If you don’t want a letter to be sent using the new details you can place the PCN back on hold.

    • Paid/ Partially Paid

      • If a PCN has already been Paid then another letter wouldn’t need to be sent out.

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