Tickit Hub - Import Manager (PCN Update)

Tickit Hub - Import Manager (PCN Update)

The following guide will walk you through the process of adding Debt Recovery comments to the comments area of the PCN.

Tickit Hub permissions required for this process:

  • Utilities

    • Import Manager

Creating an Import File

Using the attached document, enter the PCN Reference for each PCN you wish to apply the comment to, then ensure you save the file as a CSV (comma delimited) file. You’ve now created your PCN Udpate import file.

Importing the File

Log into Tickit Hub and navigate to Utilities > Import Manager and then from within the Import Manager screen press +Add. Complete the fields as per below:

Import Flavour - This dropdown will allow you to select which Debt Recovery agent this list of PCNs has been sent to. This will be stated on the PCN.

Debt Agent Sent Date - This will be stated on the comment added to the PCN, after the Debt Agent.

Test/ Live Import - This allows you to run the import as a test before you update the system. This is useful to see if you have any discrepancies in your spreadsheet that you may not have picked up on when formatting it. You will be displayed errors to notify you of this. Once you are happy to import it, then you can change this to Live, or select Live in the first instance. Once the Live import has been run, the system will be updated with the new PCN payments.

This CANNOT be undone, so ensure you are happy with the PCN updates before making this live.

Import Reference & Name fields can use a naming convention of your choosing.

Processing the File

Back within Utilities > Import Manager you’ll notice the import has been added (highlighted in blue) and the status set to NEW.

Press Import (document icon with green arrow in the Action column), then acknowledge the accompanying confirmation message, at which point you will notice the row change from blue to yellow and the Status change to PENDING. At this stage the import is now waiting to be processed by the batch job.

Once the batch job has run, you’ll notice that the status of the import has changed to COMPLETED.

You can view the PCNs that have had payments imported by pressing List Items (clipboard icon in the Action column).

Validating the Import

Once the import has been completed, navigate to PCN Admin > List PCNs, search for the required PCN. Select the PCN and navigate to the Details tab. The comments section is at the bottom of this tab, and will look something like this:

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