Processing Letter Batches

Processing Letter Batches


The purpose of this document is to walk you through the process of analysing and processing the DVLA letter batches.

Letter Batch Screen Overview

Within Tickit Hub navigate to Enforcement > Letter Batches

Key Screen Information

Batches highlighted in yellow indicate that there is an error/s within this batch

Batches highlighted in blue indicate that they are ready to be sent to the motorist

Batches highlighted in green indicate that they have been successfully sent to the motorist






View PDF 

List Items (PCNs)

Manage Images

Processing a 'Ready' batch file (Highlighted Blue)

  1. Spot check all letters by selecting the PDF icon
    1. If there are any concerns regarding the charges, report to your manager
    2. If you are happy to proceed, click the Confirm icon

Processing a 'Warning' batch file (Highlighted Yellow)

  1. Click the List Items icon (PCNs in need of investigation will be highlighted in red)

  2. Open another tab on your browser 
  3. Navigate to PCN Admin > List PCNs
  4. For error Error: tickit_pcn_printlib / Unsupported Image File: undef
    1. Search for the required PCN reference and click the Manage Images icon

    2. Open all images to locate the corrupted file

      1. If the image is corrupt due to a thumbnail -
        1. Contact iTicket Department to send through original images that are attached to the PCN request.  The originals should not be thumbnails – if they are, please speak to Management. 
      2. If the image is too large -
        1. Right click on the image and save image on your desktop
        2. On your desktop, right click on the image, select Send to, then Mail Recipient

        3. Change the picture size to Medium and click Attach (This will automatically reduce picture size) 
        4. Delete the old image from your desktop
        5. Drag the new image onto your desktop
        6. Within Tickit Hub select Multiple to upload new images
        7. Tick the boxes of thumbnails you wish to delete, the click the Delete icon
        8. Click Done
        9. Return to the original Tickit Hub tab and click Retry icon (this should now make the PCN suitable for processing
NOTE: If you change any images you will need to email asking for the batch to be regenerated
  1. For error Error: tickit_pcn_printlib / Payment Balance less than 
    1. Raise a ticket with iView by emailing
  2. For error Incorrect Postcode - 
    1. Search for the required PCN reference 
    2. Click on the PCN Reference number
    3. Within the Keeper/ Driver tab...
      1. Copy and paste full address in to Royal mail or google maps
      2. If the addresses do not match but are similar - update address
      3. If the address is completely different - notify management
      4. To allow the rest of the batch be processed through the system, click the Cancel icon
  1. DVLA Batches

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