HUB - Creating a New HUB User

HUB - Creating a New HUB User


This article will walk you through the process of adding a new user to the Atria HUB back office system. This will include both client side access and internal admin colleagues.
Hub permissions required for this process:
  1. User Management
    1. Users
Related menu items you may require:
  1. Permit Management
    1. Permit Type Config

User List View

When you access the Users menu, you will be presented with a list of all users you are able to amend. This will show you information, such as the User ID, the user Level and their Name. At the top of the list, there are some filters to help you find existing users:

  1. Searching the users list will search both the User ID and the Name of the users. You can also search for part of the User ID/Name and results will be returned.
  2. The Sort By option will change the order of which the items in the list are displayed.
  3. The Status dropdown will allow you to view deactivated users, as well as the currently active users.
  4. The Level filter will allow you to filter by a specific user level, such as Permit or Administrator.
  5. Finally, the Linked To dropdown will allow you to filter by users who are for instance linked to a Location or Permit Type.
To edit an existing user, you can either click on the User ID on the left hand side, or the pencil icon to the right hand side under the Action column.

Under the Action column you’ll also find the Delete user icon, (a red cross). Please note that if a user is deleted you will unable to enable it again and will need to contact the Atria helpdesk. The Delete icon is used to deactivate that users access to the Hub. Please ensure the list of active users is regularly reviewed and any leavers or clients that no longer need access have their user accounts deactivated.

For Super Admin level users, you’re able to Force Password Change for a user (Admin or Debt Recovery level) using the padlock within an arrow icon.

User Levels Explained

Before you create a new user on HUB, you’ll first need to know what they require access to and who the user is for. This will help you decide which user level to allocate to the user when you’re creating it, and also deciding on the appropriate permissions to assign to the user. 

When deciding on what level a user should be, you’ll need to know what the differences are:
Permit - This level will only allow a single permit type to be linked to the user.  These are primarily provided to clients so they can manage their own permit list.
Location - In a similar vein to a Permit level user, the Location level allows you to link a user to a location and allow them to view all permit types which are also linked to this location.
Client - Building on the access for a Location level user, a client user can also view both permits and PCNs for a specific client. The Permit Type must be linked to the client for for it to be visible to them.
Operative - Setting up an Operative user will allow you to give wardens access to view the PCNs which they’ve issued, they can also upload any additional images to the PCN via the back office should they need to.
Debt Recovery - This is a user level specifically for Debt Recovery agents for accessing PCNs that have reached the debt stage. Should they need it, you can also give them access to keeper details/letters and location details so they can view contracts and site information.
Administrator - This level of user is specifically used for colleagues within the operator business. This will include any admin staff, appeals team, ANPR validations etc. This level user will also allow you to create Permit, Location and Client level users.
Super Admin - Only Atria and other Super Admin’s are able to configure this level of user. This is the highest level user, and will also give the user the capabilities of creating and managing Administrator level users as well as all the user Levels.

Creating a New User

User Details

When adding a new user, you’ll need to navigate to User Management > Users from the menu on the left hand side. You’ll then be displayed with a list of all users.  From here, you’ll have a button for Add on the base of this list, pressing this will present you with a form to create a new user:

From here, you will start by selecting the relevant User Level for the user you’re creating. Please see above descriptions to ensure you chose the relevant option.

After this, you will need to create the User ID and the Password for the user. The password you create must meet the following criteria:
  1. Contains at least one lower case letter
  2. Contains at least one upper case letter
  3. Contains at least one number
  4. Contains at least one special character (e.g. ! ? & %)
  5. Is at least 12 characters long
After filling out the password fields, you can then enter the name for the user to help identify them in future.

And finally the email address. This can be any email address providing it is unique and hasn’t been added to any other users.
Please note that the User ID and Email Address must be unique for all user created. 
Once all the above details have been entered, please press Apply. This will refresh the screen and will allow you to continue the setup of the user.

The Associated links section of the user setup are what populate the data when the user logs into their account. For example, adding the Associated link to a Permit Type will populate the data from that Permit Type onto the user.

Depending on what user level you select will define which Associated link dropdown you’ll be given. For example, a Permit level user will be given the Permit Type dropdown. A Location level user will be given the Location drop down, etc.
When adding a new Associated link to a user, please bear in mind that you need to click the green plus on the right hand side after you have selected the relevant item from the dropdown menu. Without clicking this green plus icon, the table won’t get updated and the user won’t work as intended.
This is correct, and the Permits Only permit type has been linked to this user:

This is incorrect, and the Permit Only permit type has not yet been allocated to this user:

Here are a few key points to bear in mind when adding Associated links:
  1. When setting up a Client level user, and linking to a Client, giving them access to a permit related User Group will only display permits which have that specific client selected on the Permit Type. 
  2. Setting up an operative user will require you to go to Warden Management > Operatives and edit the operative you are linking to the user. Open the Operatives Preferences tab, and select the checkbox for ‘Only Issued PCNs’. This will restrict the user so that can only view the PCNs which that specific operative has issued.
  3. When setting up an Administrator user, if they’re going to be issuing any manual or ANPR notices on HUB then you will need to link them to a operative. Failing to do so will prevent them from being able to issue contraventions.
It’s important to note that only 1 item can be selected from the dropdown menu on each user. Adding multiple items to an Associated links list won’t give the user more information, only the first item added will be used.

User Groups

User Groups are what are linked to each user and dictate what the user can access when they login. Depending on what user level you have selected will define which User Groups you will be able to select from the list provided. The below example is of a Permit level User Group list:

To allocate a User Group to a user, you can either:
  1. Double click the User Group on the right hand side
  2. Click the User Group to highlight it, and then click the blue arrow pointing Left (top)
Any User Groups linked to a user will be included under the Member Of header on the left hand side.
Please see the below table of User Groups, and what access they give to the user when applied.
When adding User Groups to a user, ensure you click the ‘Set Permissions’ button after selecting the User Groups. This will apply them to the user.

User Group name
Applicable User Level
Output Description
Permit (Edit Owned)
Permit, Location, Client
The user to view, add and amend permits using their login, however they will only be able to see the permits this specific user has added.
Permit (No Cancel/Revoke/Delete)
Permit, Location, Client
Access to view, add and amend permits but without the ability to Cancel, Revoke or Delete any permits.
Permit (View Only)
Permit, Location, Client
Access to the permit list, but with no ability to add or amend existing permits.
Permit Admin
Permit, Location, Client
This gives full access to manage the permit list. For Permit, Location and Client level users, they will only be able to manage the permit linked to the Associated link defined previously. Administrator users will see all permits.
Permit eParking (View Only)
Permit, Location, Client
Gives access to eParking type permit lists, such as P&D Machines, kiosks and pay by phone solutions like YPS. You are unable to add permits to or amend permits on these permit lists.
Parking Operative - Upload
This will give the operative access to view the notices they’ve issued,  without keeper details. Very limited view, but will give them access to manage the images on their notices should they need to add more.
Self Ticketing + NTO
This User Group will allow the warden to not only view their issued notices but also add notices manually from HUB using the Add NTO and Add PCN options.
Client Access - Read Only
Allows a Client level user to access the PCN list for all locations within the client. They will have no access to keeper details, and are unable to edit the PCNs.
Device GPS Tracking
In addition to an Organisational user group, this will give the user access to Device Tracking. This is so you can view the GPS data from the Mobile app with this feature enabled.
Organisational - Facility Management
Please see attached Permissions Matrix to see the user access for this User Group
Organisational - Finance
Please see attached Permissions Matrix to see the user access for this User Group
Organisational - Operations Junior
Please see attached Permissions Matrix to see the user access for this User Group
Organisational - Operations Senior
Please see attached Permissions Matrix to see the user access for this User Group
Organisational - PCN Junior
Please see attached Permissions Matrix to see the user access for this User Group
Organisational - PCN Senior
Please see attached Permissions Matrix to see the user access for this User Group
SAR Enquiry (General)
In addition to an Organisational user group, the user will be given the SAR Enquiry menu item within the Parking Charge Management menu.
SAR Enquiry (Name and Address)
In addition to an Organisational user group, the user will be given the SAR Enquiry menu item within the Parking Charge Management menu. This includes additional SAR search fields for Address.
Tickit PCN - Superuser Tab
In addition to an Organisational user group, the user will be given the * tab when editing a PCN. Giving them additional control over the journey of a PCN. 
Tickit PCN Keeper Details and Letters
In addition to an Organisational user group, this will allow the user to access KADOE data such as the Keeper/Driver tab within the PCN and the Letter Batches menu.
Tickit Setup [Admin Group]
In addition to an Organisational user group, the user will be given access to additional settings and a new menu for Configuration Admin. This includes PCN Charges and Data Retention time frames.
User Management [Admin Group]
In addition to an Organisational user group, this will give the user access to the User Management menu so they’re able to create and manage HUB users.

Additional Information

  1. We recommend that you regularly review your user lists to ensure that user access is only available to current users, and any leavers or lost clients access is removed from the system. Removing access can be done by clicking the Red Cross icon to the right hand side of the user.
  2. Should you require any additional training when using the User Management facility, please email and we can look to orgnise a call for you and your team.

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