HUB - ANPR Location Configuration

HUB - ANPR Location Configuration


This article will walk you through the process of setting up both the Location and ANPR Location to allow ANPR issuance at a given site.

The Process

Location Configuration

Firstly, ensure the main location (Location & Device Management > Locations) has the appropriate ANPR issue reason selected and max stay rules/ANPR Access Controlled Grace. A list of the ANPR issue reasons can be found below:


| Issue Reason ID | Description                                                      |


|              69 | Exceeded Maximum Stay Period (ANPR)                              |

|              72 | Unauthorised Entry / Parking (ANPR)                              |

|              75 | Failure to Pay / Validate for the Duration of Stay               |

|              79 | Parked During No Parking Period                                  |

|              93 | No Overnight Parking (ANPR)                                      |

|             101 | Failure to Validate Parking Session                              |

|             201 | No Parking Allowed (ANPR)                                        |

|             308 | Parked Outside of Store Trading Hours (ANPR)                     |

|             319 | Permit Holders Only (ANPR)                                       |

|             320 | No Entry Permitted (ANPR)                                        |

|             321 | Failure To Pay For Parking (ANPR)                                |

|             324 | Failure to Validate for the Duration of Stay                     |

|             328 | Non Customer Parked in a Customer Only Car Park (ANPR)           |

|             330 | Failure to Pay for Full Duration of Stay (ANPR)                  |

|             339 | Failure to Pay or Register your vehicle for the Duration of Stay |

|             347 | Failure to Register for the Duration of Stay                     |


Should you require a new reason to be added to your system, please email
Depending on the rules for the site, willdictate which issue reason will nee to be selected from this list. For example, if you are setting up a 2h Max Stay site, you'll likely use this issue reason:

Once you have selected the Issue Reason, you'll need to configure the rules for the location. As before, depending on how you are planning to enforce the location will dictate how the rules are setup on the Rules tab. As you can see from the below screenshot, there are 2 options you can use when configuring the rules. Access Controlled or Overstay:

Access Controlled - These sites tend to be permit only sites, whereby you're expecing motorists to either have a permit upon arrival or are going to be purchasing a permit upon arrival via a kiosk, pay by phone solution, P&D machine etc. The Grace Period you're setting up on the rules tab is there to allow motorists time to fine a space and pay for parking once they've entered the car park.
When it comes to generating the contraventions for this site, any car with a duration (entry and exit event) within the grace period won't be displated to the user as a potential contravention.
Overstay (Max Stay) - This is used on sites whereby you're allowing motorists to park for a set amount time, usually at places like supermarkets and retails parks.
When the contraventions are generated, any vehicle which has a duration (entry and exit event) within the overstay period won't be shown on the contravention list.
It's also worth noting that for Max Stay sites, you will likely want to allow a grace period which will be applied at the start of their stay.

ANPR Location Configuration

Once you have setu the location, you can then move onto the ANPR Location (ANPR/CCTV Management) where you will further configure how the events from the ANPR camera will be processed.
From the ANPR Location list, you will be displayed with all of your currently setup sites. To add a new one, press the Add button at the base of the list.


From here you'll be displayed with a blank form, points of which will be explained below:
  1. ANPR Location Name
    1. This is self explanitory, this will be similar to the name given to the location
  1. ANPR Location Type
    1. Standard
      1. This location type will process events and produce contraventions as expected for standard issuance
    2. Report Only
      1. Reports Only will process events in the background but no action the contraventions. This is good for sites where the client wants you to provide provisional contravention numbers before going live.
    3. Test
      1. Nothing will be processed if the location type is set to Test
  2. Linked to Location
    1. You will need to select the location you configured earlier in the article.
  3. Number of Zones
    1. This will need to be set to 1
  4. ANPRStream Process Delay/ Process Delay
    1. If you are enabling ANPRStream Matching (referenced below) then please use ANPRStream Process delay. Otherwise, just use the Process Delay.
    2. This delay is in place to allow a delay between when the event comes in to when the system processes the events and generates contravention.
      1. This allows time for all events to be sent through, and also to ensure all permits are added to the system so the system and process all relevant information.
    3. We recommend setting this to 48h.
  5. No Action After
    1. This is the time a contravention will remain at a staus which allows you to validate it and potentially issue it. After the amount of days set here, the unprocessed contraventions will then be automatically no actioned.
  6. Issue Warnings
    1. If the site is setup to Issue Warnings, then this box will need to be checked.
  7. Enable Event Lookup
    1. If LPS P&D Machines are used on site, this box will need to be checked.
  8. Enable Vehicle Monitor
    1. If you're using the Vehicle Monitor feature on HUB, this will need to be enabled on the ANPR Location.
    2. More information can be found here -
  9. Enable ANPRStream Matching
    1. This one is a big one to remember to select. This will use our improved matching engine when matching events and generating contraventions compared to our legacy engine.
  10. Linked Locations
    1. As stated on the setup screen, this allows you to link multiple ANPR locations together so you can process the same events from a camera across multiple locations.
  11. Physical Cameras
    1. This will be where you add how many cameras are installed on site. Just select the ANPR Camera With Overview camera type, and press the green plus on the right hand side.
  12. Kiosk Authorisation
    1. This is a very niche feature which will essencially whitelist any VRMs which come through on a specific interface channel for this ANPR Location.
Once you've filled out this page, wither press Update or Apply at the bottom of the screen so you can go onto setting up Zone 1

Zone Configuration

Within Zone 1, there are more fields for you to fill out, as below:      
  1. Zone Name
    1. You can leave this blank, however you can name it how you see fit
  2. Zone Linked to Location
    1. Again, this can remain as Default, as Default will use the Linked to Location as set on the Details tab.
  3. Contravention Type
    1. Depending on how the Rules on the location have been setup will dictate which option you chose here:
      1. Access Controlled
      2. Exceeded Maximum Stay Period
Should you require any further information, or the above options don't cover the rules set on site. Please email and we may be able to help work out another solution
  1. Zone Contraventions
    1. This will be the Issue Reason you enabled on the location earlier in the setup process. This will also be the reason which is linked to the PCN and included on the letters.
    2. If this dropdown is blank, there aren't any ANPR issue reasons currently selected on the location. You'll need to review the issue reason selected against the list at the top of this article and ensure the relevant reason has been selected.

Lane Configuration

Configuring the lanes correctly is an important step to ensure the system recognises what is an entry and an exit event when processing the matches later down the line.
To help make this as simple as possible, you just need to say if the Entry event is Towards or away from the Camera, and same with the Exit event. When you first come to add the lanes, the table will look something like the below:

A common configuration for a site with 1 Entry land and 1 Exit lane would look something like this (Where the Entry lane is Towards the Camera, and Exit lane is Away from the camera):

Enforcement Periods

The enforcement periods can be configured on an ANPR location basis, and will allow you to have the rules on site only enforced on during certain times of day, and certain days of the week.

It's important to remember that you are setting when the site rules ARE enforced when filling out the table

Presumed Out Duration

This configuration will be used as part of the matching process, and any Entry event which can't be matched with an Exit event within this time set will be marked as Presumed Out to help prevent events stay on the matching list longer than necessary.

Camera/ Lane

The first table which is on this tab will need to include the cameras which have been installed on this site, the events from these cameras will be used when issuing contraventions on this location.

If you can't see the camera on this dropdown, it may still be linked to the test location. If you remove it from that location, you will be able to add it to the new location.

The second table on this tab relates to the relationship between the camera and the matching engine. This uses what we call interface channels, which then link to the lane fron the previous tab. For example, in the below image, anything from interface channel 1, with be read as lane 1. Lane 1 has been configured as an entry and thus will be used as such when it comes to matching the events together.
The Interface Channels are configured within the ANPR Stream Devices. Edit the camera, go to the Channels tab.

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