Firstly, ensure the main location (Location & Device Management > Locations) has the appropriate ANPR issue reason selected and max stay rules/ANPR Access Controlled Grace. A list of the ANPR issue reasons can be found below:
| Issue Reason ID | Description |
| 69 | Exceeded Maximum Stay Period (ANPR) |
| 72 | Unauthorised Entry / Parking (ANPR) |
| 75 | Failure to Pay / Validate for the Duration of Stay |
| 79 | Parked During No Parking Period |
| 93 | No Overnight Parking (ANPR) |
| 101 | Failure to Validate Parking Session |
| 201 | No Parking Allowed (ANPR) |
| 308 | Parked Outside of Store Trading Hours (ANPR) |
| 319 | Permit Holders Only (ANPR) |
| 320 | No Entry Permitted (ANPR) |
| 321 | Failure To Pay For Parking (ANPR) |
| 324 | Failure to Validate for the Duration of Stay |
| 328 | Non Customer Parked in a Customer Only Car Park (ANPR) |
| 330 | Failure to Pay for Full Duration of Stay (ANPR) |
| 339 | Failure to Pay or Register your vehicle for the Duration of Stay |
| 347 | Failure to Register for the Duration of Stay |
The enforcement periods can be configured on an ANPR location basis, and will allow you to have the rules on site only enforced on during certain times of day, and certain days of the week.
The first table which is on this tab will need to include the cameras which have been installed on this site, the events from these cameras will be used when issuing contraventions on this location.