This article will run you through how to setup a Pay and Display (P&D) machine, and linking it to the necessary areas of the system, the example references setting up a LPS machine but the instructions are the same for other manufacturers.
Firstly navigate to 'Location and Device Management > P&D Machines' from the menu on the left hand side.
This will give you a list of Pay and Display Machines currently added to your system. By pressing add at the base of the list, you will be taken to the ‘Pay and Display Machines Details’ page as seen below:
From this configuration page, the main details you need to fill out are:
Name/ Reference. This is prefixed with ‘PS’ followed by the machine number which is supplied by LPS. (E.g. PS0123)
Manufacture. This defines which company supplied the machine, in this example we are using LPS.
Position. This is related to the Name/ Reference so both are unique. Prefix with '9' followed by the machine number as mentioned before. (E.g. 90123)
Any other information on the details list necessary to maintain the details should be entered.
The next tab to fill out is the config tab. See below:
From here, you want to focus on the Connection Type drop down that by default is set to 'None'. Clicking this drop down will give you the options of either Ethernet or Mobile 3G. Most of the Pay and Display Machines use the Mobile 3G option, so unless stated otherwise use this option. Once you have selected this, you will be given a few other fields:
After this has been filled out, you will need to move over to the Location tab. Here you will select the location that the machine will be located at, this must be an active location on the system already or you won’t be able to select this from the list.
From the drop down you will be given a list of all active locations, if you click on the drop down and start typing the name of the location it will help you filter the location you need. You will then need to enter the start date, usually when the machine is due to be installed. Once these have been selected, click the green plus on the right hand side and this will then be added to the table.
After all these details have been entered, click the Add button at bottom and this will take you back to the list of Pay and Display Machines.
When getting the ANPR Location Reference you need to access ANPR Management and click on ANPR Locations. In some cases, the ANPR Location will already be setup on the system. In which case, searching this list with part of the location name may bring up the reference you need.
However, you may need to create a new ANPR Location. You won’t need to set this up completely as you won’t have all the information to do so. You will need to set this up as a skeleton site, to do this you will need to fill out the below information:
From the ANPR Locations list, you will need to click ‘Add’ at the base of the list. This will being you to the above screen. From here you will need to fill out:
ANPR Location Name. This will be pretty much the same as the location name.
Linked to Location. This will be the same location that you selected when adding the Pay and Display Machine above.
Number of Zones. This will need to be set to 1, this can be increased at a later date if needs be.
The rest of the details aren’t necessary at this stage for setting up P&D machines and can be filled it during the setup of the cameras etc. Once the above details have been filled in, click ‘Add’ at the bottom.
You will then be taken back to the ANPR Locations list, where you should be able to search for the location you’ve just added. This will give you the ANPR Location Reference, displayed as ‘ANPR000XXX’. You can also disable this ANPR location by clicking the icon on the right hand side, this will help separate these from the active live sites.
The Permit Type is where the system logs all the VRMs that are sent through from the Pay and Display Machines. To start with, you’ll need to access Permit Type Config under Permit Management, then click add at the base of the list. You’ll be displayed a screen like this:
This is the blank form you’re given when you go to add a new Permit Type. you’ll need to fill in:
Name, this will be similar to the name given to the ANPR Location. We usually append ‘- Pay station’ to the end of the name. Helps to filter out the permit types when you may need to search for them at some point.
Permit Style need to be changed to eParking. As they are added to the system via another system and not manually, these are classed as such.
Additional Information, we usually put the Position Reference in here (i.e. 90XXX') for all the machines on this site relating to this permit type.
Valid to the Nearest will need to be updated to 'Minute' with the Grace Times (Before and After) being set to 15. This allows the people using the car park to get back to their car and leave the car park before their ticket expires.
Permit Reference Allocation. This will need to be changed to Automatically Applied so that any new permits added via the machine get a unique reference in sequential order.
Permit Assignment will be set to ‘Assigned to Vehicle Only’. This is because each permit will only be linked to one vehicle.
Once this has been filled out you should click on the next tab, Locations. Where you will need to select the same location that has been selected in the previous steps. To do this, you will need to tick the checkbox in the ‘Use’ column. Then click Apply at the bottom of the list which will then allocate the location to this permit type.
To finish the setup of the permit type, just press Add next to the Apply button which will take you back to the permit type list.
The last resource that needs adding to the system is the eParking Zone which links together the P&D Machine and the Permit Type. To add this, you will need to click on eParking Zones within Permit Management. Just like the other areas of the system, to add this you will need to click Add at the bottom of the list. Which will give you the below form:
For the Pay and Display Machine form, you will need to select LPS from the Type drop down. The other fields will also need filling out:
Zone Name, like before will need filling in with the name of the location. We usually append the P&D Machine Reference (PSXXXX).
P&D Machine, this drop down will list all the machines that have been added to the system. You will need to locate the reference for the one that you added for this machine.
Permit Type, will give you a drop down of all the permit types on the system. You will need to locate the one that you added in the previous step.
After this has been filled out, you can press Add at the bottom.
After all the above has been added to the system and you are happy you have added all the information correctly, you will need to send these details back to the P&D machine supplier for them to physicaly configure the device. We would suggest using the format in the below template and that you carefully check the information on your message to ensure these match what's on the original request and what's on the system. If any incorrect information is sent over, this can cause problems for all parties involved.